Bishopsgate Goodsyard – Developing the Future of Shoreditch.

It amazes me how ironic life is at times. While out working on a documentary about the failure of economic regeneration in East London post Olympics, I bumped into a nice chap called Tomasz, from Soundings Office. He was as eager as a schoolboy with a new toy to explain to me what was happening in the vacant lot opposite Shoreditch High Street Station. Both killing my photography project and piquing my curiosity, Tomasz pointed out that the vacant site, now filled with football pitches, is currently being redefined with the help of local businesses and residents, an undertaking that will significantly alter the landscape of the Shoreditch area.

The Goodsyard, formerly known as the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, is nestled in the middle of Shoreditch, Banglatown and Spitalfields. It encompasses Shoreditch High Street Station and straddles the boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Hackney. Its development will significantly impact on its surroundings and could create a hub that redefines the area. The planning guidance is considering bringing up to 2000 new homes and 1.8 hectares of public open space to a site that is currently a 10 acre derelict void in the middle of one of the most bustling areas of East London.

Since the project is in its early stages of planning, the Soundings Office, a local sounding board facilitating the dialogue between community liaison groups and developers Hammerson and Ballymore Group, has scheduled several events to get local residents and traders more involved in determining how the space will be utilised. Pop up Events in the area will allow for a free exchange of ideas and for locals to gain an insight into the plans for the development. Events include Ideas Week (17th-22nd June), which will see workshops set up in a marquee opposite Shoreditch High Street Station.

To keep abreast of the development, and to join some of their upcoming events, contact the Soundings Office and become a part of the changing landscape of Shoreditch.

Don’t forget to check out Ideas Week – 17th – 22nd June 2013 at Shoreditch High Street Station.

Soundings Office:

email –
web –
tel – 020 7729 1705
Follow on:
twitter – @goodsyardlondon
Facebook – The Goodsyard London.

Goodsyard Entrance
Goodsyard Entrance
Entrance to Arches
Entrance to Arches
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