Fashion Trends: Athleisure

Athleisure, athletics and leisure is the newest amalgamation of words to describe the trendiest sport-attired individuals.

Instagrammer @ATHLEISURE portrays this word with ease, showing why we should all be sporting these threads.


A photo posted by A T H L E I S U R E (@athleisure) on


A photo posted by A T H L E I S U R E (@athleisure) on

The look is worn for the comfort but also the casual cool it radiates. Trainers, leggings and caps are the protocol for this new sports-chic vibe.

This hybrid of fashion meets sport, means embrace your workout wear even if you are not planning to actually workout and if you were trying to find the perfect trainers for yourself, check out Shoe Hero they have lists of the best trainers on the market

Even the hashtag #athleisure on social media brings up an array of sports-luxe clad individuals simply but strategically stylised.

Designers and the high street have taken on board this new fashion phase and its interpretation can vary from full workout to light jog to supermarket shop.

There are many ways to wear activewear and it is all about finding your own niche in the expanding market. Take some tips from instagrammer @ATHLEISURE she definitely knows her sports fashion.

Creating your own athleisure energy is essential for yourself to keep evolving your own style and creativity. Wear your gym clothes out and re-style them, add a statement necklace or clutchbag. See how you can re-work athleisure!