Art History in Contemporary Life by Alexey Kondakov


If real life actually had art history walking around, we would have a serious problem with public nudity. Although there would be significant progress for the “Free the Nipple” movement. With photography and photo manipulation, Alexey Kondakov brings the old paintings to a modern world.

In classical paintings, you basically needed a sheet to hang off some part of your body. You got together with your other semi-nude friends and..rode the subway? Out of their original surroundings, Kondakov seamlessly assimilates the art history characters into modern situations. Not that you wouldn’t double take if you saw a naked brawl burst out of the bar.

Angels lulling a baby to sleep on the underground or having a late picnic made mostly of wine actually don’t look too out of place when Kondakov puts them together. The result is frankly, hilarious.

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All artwork by Alexey Kondakov: