Tell us about your business
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TED has created a program called TEDx. Our brand is called TEDxHackney, where x stand for independently organized TED event. At our TEDxHackney events we show TED video and host live speakers combined to spark deep discussion. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events, including ours, are self-organised and self curated. I watch TED on regular basis and was inspired to apply for a license from TED to create TEDxHackney. It is a great platform to share radical ideas.
What are the main challenges maintaining your business and how are you overcoming them?Every challenge can be overcome, so I welcome challenges. When I face a challenge, I leave it for 24 hours then have a fresh look at into it. Always works.
What would you say has been your most memorable experience while developing your business? My most memorable experience was when we decided on the theme of Happiness for theTEDxHackney event last April. I felt like a child in a big candy supermarket. It was a pleasure to research the theme, listen to experts, read books and curate the event. I had a great pleasure to communicate with wonderful Thinkers, Artists and Scientists in running up for the event. contacting Richard Wilson was a highlight as I admire his art work and passion.
I went to hear Dr David Hamilton speaking about his book ‘The contiguous power of thinking’ twice, I was so inspired and was happy we can bring him to speak in Hackney.
The funniest moment while setting up for the event was the fact that it took me less then an hour to raise all the funds for the event. It was a great moment. Sometimes life supports you fully and I am grateful for that.
Tell us about DO’s and DON’Ts when running the company?
The DO’s:
First say YES, then find a solution.
Think wide.
Have faith that your community want and will support you.
Walk around aimlessly around your neighborhood, you can find there great inspiration and answers.
Do not panic when facing a challenge.
Do not pay too much attention to people who project their fear onto you.
That’s an easy question.
Shoreditch is part of Hackney, one of the most vibrant areas in the world right now. There are people from all walks of life
with a ‘live and let live’ attitude which works very well.
At the moment prices for services are fair and one can eat, drink and shop with every budget.
What should help for the development of Shoreditch entrepreneurial community?
Keep it underground
What are your favorite businesses in Shoreditch?
I really like 39*39 shop on Kingsland RD, they stock unique items from designers from Japan, UK and some international.
You know you buy there unique items made by young and established designers.
They also play great music in the shop, so sometimes I just pop in to have a quick listen to Japanese pop music.
What are your favorite places in Shoreditch?
I like to go for a casual drink with friends at George & Dragon
I go a lot to the Vietnamese restaurants in Shoreditch, each time I try a different restaurant
What does the future has in store for Shoreditch?
The future is colorful for Shoreditch.