MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Hip Lane Stories: Game, Set, Match

The Olympics, Paralympics and the sporting events that followed were AWESOME. The Athletes of London 2012 truly did us proud this summer through dedication and hard work. The US Open had most of us on the edge of our seats as Murray made sporting history. So even though Hipsters and athletes have little in common past the likelihood that they might rock the gold chain and shell suit look, it was impossible for even the coolest of Shoreditch to not get involved, cheer at the top of their voices and try to gather a big a collection as possible of free union jack merchandise (even if, like Rick, they might have then fashioned a flag into a hat having realised it went perfectly with dungarees and creepers, and worn it to a secret warehouse rave in Dalston…)

To see more illustrations like this go to:



and pop down to the Back Yard Market on Brick Lane on Sundays where Hipster illustrations are available to buy off Hip Lanes stall!

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