I have always played around with clothes, makeup and hair colours from being a nipper, so when the time came to get LONDON’D all up in my grill.. it was time to flex a few new looks.
Planning my move down south was fairly simple for me. I had just got back from travelling, was at a loose end and a handful of my bestest northern buddies had already absconded down these parts.
I knew very little of East London. I knew of Eastenders but that was about it.
I’d had heard rumors of a land where gravy didn’t exist and people ate live eels straight from the Thames.
I’ll have a ganders I thought.
Holly & James, my long term home slices and childhood sweethearts of 10 years now, had already done the research and was fully aware that East London was the place to be.
They had moved down an year before me so by the time I arrived, I had some pretty ace tour guides to show me the local haunts.
I moved straight to Bethnal Green and it was fair to say, I was like a pig in shit.
It’s pretty liberating, the feeling that expression of personality through, clothes, tattoo’s, hair is more celebrated as opposed to ‘What the fuck does she look like?’ stares.
Dusting off my bleaching bowl and stocking up on a variety of colours from my favorite brand La Riche, Directions, creative colours, (all from Pak’s in Dalston) I opened up my very own make believe and non legit AND non profit hair sideline empire ‘Snipz ‘n’ Tweets @LilliBiffyBee ‘s ‘
See what I there.. clever eh?
Anyways, basically this little sideline project consisted of moi, bleaching up my mates weaves, slapping on a load of different colours and fixing them up with a one off Lilli B special ‘Shoreditch Do’ … BOOM
The beauty of these hair toners is they are gone with the wind within a matter of washes, so if things go tits up… Just stay in the shower a few days and Roberts your fathers brother.. Back to normal.
This is always going to be a bonus when you live in area were what you wear and how you look are always going to be up on your priorities, whether you are rubbing shoulders with the Shoreditch Housers or just slumming it in London fields with some cheap booze and Pringles, an over sized cardi, a pair of battered vans and a purple rinse will mean you never have to dash off home to refresh your look. And even when you do have the very worst of hair disasters, you can always just pretend it a fashion statement, so outlandish that simply no one else had to nerve to flex it.
I love that about East London, I like popping out for breakfast in whatever clothes I have found next to my bed on the floor, throwing on a vintage headscarf and knowing that If by the luck of the gods the day progresses in my favor, I could well stay out until the next morning.
It’s all down to hair dye, this is my prognosis anyway.
If your hair looks ace then you can wear a piece of beef and you will look ace. Gaga did it.
I don’t suggest that though , I am merely just making a point.
Keep it cheap and cheerful, Shoreditch, Dalston and Hackney are bursting with shops packed to the rafters with all of these products for DIY jobbies.
I’m not saying bleach your heads off, that would be silly and we all no better tan to do that.
What I saying though is experiment, have a go, see wa’gwarn
Bloody hell I’ll even do it for you.. Snipz ‘n’ Tweets @LilliBiffyBee still open for bidness yo..
Buy the shizz you want, ill flex my skills and do you up a treat.
Who needs to pay out a wedge in a Salon when we can get creative at home.
Anyways, that’s that off my chest.
Tweet me and meet me @LilliBiffyBee