MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Kranking it in the Street – Krankbrother Street Party with tiNi and Guy Gerber


On Sat 22nd June, all and sundry descended onto Clifton Street in Shoreditch with one purpose and one purpose only. To laugh, to eat, to socialize and most importantly of all – to dance! The heavens had threatened to pour all week. The two biggest talking points about this year’s event were – would it be able to top last year’s event and what  would we do if it chucked it down all day? Last year’s event was pretty amazeballs but there were mutterings of discontent about the sound system quality towards the back of the street. This year, the Krankbrothers made sure that these niggles were ironed out and silenced those complainers with a resounding blast of music on entrance to the street party! In fact, the Krankbrothers were so back to attack, that strains of their welcoming set could be heard from Bishopgate en route to the street showdown. And what of the rain that had been forecast to put a dampener on our day? Didn’t see a drop! But the raincoats, umbrellas, parkas and rain capes fashioned on those in attendance had a clear message to the weather forecasters – There will be no Rain!

The vibe during the day was chilled – the regular Krankbrother crowd mixed with some newbies who came to see what all the crack was about. Everyone spoke to everyone and with even the security getting involved with the dancing – it was the true laid back atmosphere that a proper street party is, in essence.

Tini showed the crowd why she is the First Lady of Desolat with her naughty beats that resonated right within and why we hold her near to our raving hearts. She spurred the crowd on and whipped us into a frenzy.And Guy Gerber, well, what a treat he gave us! Transitioning us beautifully, he was the perfect end to a perfect street party! The Israeli born music maestro brought his hypnotic mixing skills to the table and boy, did we come away from that table belly full. And this was just the prelude to the after party which gave us the big debut gig for Baby Krank – Kieran and Dan’s little brother – Jack C! He smashed his set with a true professional quality which is exciting to observe for the future. Has the new generation of Krankbrothers arrived? And if so, how many can they possibly spawn? The mind boggles! Well, coming soon on Saturday 22nd July will be their Day and Night Terrace party with the line up promising Margaret Dygas, Dj W!ld, Crazy P and of course the Krankbrothers, themselves!


Tickets are available at http://www.residentadvisor.net/event.aspx?468194


Oh – and the Sun has confirmed attendance too!


See you on the terrace!;)

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