MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Secret Store Launch at the Boxpark

Secret Store joined a host of established and up-and-coming brands at the Boxpark on Thursday with a memorable launch party. Fueled by free Brew Dog Punk IPA and Brothers cider, the night attracted a buzzing crowd that completely filled the sardine-tin unit and spilled over onto the road outside, snowballing the number of eager attendees. Competition to purchase and imbibe was fierce, but the queue for the counter/bar was no chore given the Gamecube with Mariokart on hand, and a DJ soundtracking the ching of the cash register.

The launch was a big success for the young brand, who have only been making their iconic style of t-shirts and accessories for three years. The range, largely in a monochromatic Model T colour scheme, spanned simple statement tees to elaborate tattoo-esque tribal prints and floral caps, and many of the well fed and watered crowd were persuaded to part with some cash. SCRT seems to be a testament to the eloquence of simplicity and sophisticated homespun authenticity.

With such buzz and that pineapple tee, its seems only a matter of time before SCRT is no secret at all, so you’d be well advised to get down to the Boxpark and snap something up asap.

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