MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Business in Shoreditch: Interview with Madeline Parra of Twizoo

MJ: Tell us about your business. What role do you play in the grand scheme of things?

Twizoo is a mobile app that generates restaurant recommendations based on what people are saying on Twitter. I’m the CEO and co-founder.

MJ: Tell us more about Twizoo. How does it work?

Twizoo listens to what everyone is saying about the restaurants, bars, cafes, and pubs in London on Twitter. These Tweets are then analysed on things like sentiment and who Tweeted it. Based on this, Twizoo uses a fun and easy to understand visualization so consumers can make a quick decision on where to get a pint, or some peri-peri.

MJ: What’s so relevant about Shoreditch for your business?

Well, we’re based in Shoreditch– Shoreditch provides a great environment and support system for tech start-ups. We wouldn’t want to be anywhere else!

MJ: What’s been the most challenging or exciting moment while running Twizoo?

The most exciting moment has definitely been launching our beta. It was the culmination of months of work, and to then put a product that people love into their hands, was a great feeling.

MJ: Where do you like to hang out in Shoreditch?

Hmmm… IDEALondon is like our home away from home. For coffee, Shoreditch Grind. I love their iced coffees, but feel like I get weird looks from people when I get one in the dead of winter. Whatever.

MJ: What are your future plans?

We’re going to be launching properly later this year… stay tuned. And if you’d like to join our beta, please leave your email on our website (www.twizoo.com) or Tweet us @TwizooLondon– space is filling up quick.

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