MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Interview With The Band: THE OTHERNESS

the otherness shore

G: Tell us about your band?

We are THE OTHERNESS and we were born in La Patagonia, the deep south of the world. The windy weather pushed us to do indoor activities such as playing guitar, among others… bollocks, to be honest. We are performing together as a band since 2009 when Pablo (drums) joined the group, but Agustin (lead guitar) completed what is known as “The Otherness” in 2012. We were inspired to play music by legends such as Nirvana, The Beatles and The Clash. There’s a passion and love for music there that truly has become the universal language for the younger generations: no matter time, no matter technology, there’s a human element deep inside, and it’s well and alive. We picked “The Otherness” because of music genres, press’ tags and a way to suggest that we are different. People are all different but it’s just an emphasis, you know what I mean… you got “rock”, “pop”, “punk”, “techno”, “hipsters’ soporific pretentious shit”, “reggae” and well “other” means an alternative to that. It’s like BE FREE just because you already ARE. We also believe that music connects people no matter culture, nationality or status.

G: What are you working on right now?

We are gigging’ all over the region (Argentina) and we are based in Buenos Aires, the capitol city at this very moment. We are about to release the first video for our latest EP entitled “Come On”. The song it’s called “Now on and so on” and the video it’s mostly made out of footage filmed during the UK Tour we did last year (London, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool). The plan is to release a video for each song, so this is the first out of 4 videos. We’ll be launching “The Otherness TV” which is a YouTube channel: we’ve already filmed interviews with NME, John Robb (Louder Than War), Paul Stokes from Q Magazine, John Doran from The Quietus and Chris Hawkins from BBC Radio 6 (he’s the first to play The Otherness on the beeb, he played “Move on” and then “Come On” twice a week in April). We are also working on new songs: “The Roundabout” and “Quarter to Nine”.

G: What was your most successful or most enjoyed gig so far?

We can mention Sheffield’s Tramlines last year or even Groove and The Cavern in Buenos Aires but the most enjoyed gig so far, mate… it’s always the next one! We love to play live.

G:  How would you describe your typical fan?

No beard.

G: Who writes the lyrics to the songs?

Martin (vocals and guitar) and Gonzalo (vocals and bass) write the songs. Music and lyrics are written in conjunction being the melody the main focus. We used to work together from the start or separately. That is, whenever we have a piece of music and a few words, we try to finish and/or complete each other’s work. We basically play the new tunes in acoustic guitars and sometimes Gonzalo plays the piano. Once we set the structure for the song and the arrangement, we share it with Pablo and Agustin and rehearse the stuff before getting into “El Martillo” Studios in Buenos Aires.

G: What are your plans for the future?

Play better. Write Better. Get Bigger.

Social links:

Soundcloud: www.soundcloud.com/otherness

YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/OthernessTV

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Otherness

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OthernessRock

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