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Cash Is Over – Shoreditch Based Company Payfriendz Just Went And Killed It

Who isn’t familiar with the following situations? You’re out on Friday night after work and your card decides to stop working, or you cover a friend’s festival ticket or cab fare while your bessie doesn’t have cash at hand. The next day the debts (and sins) are forgotten, the wallets are empty.

There are a few apps out there that help to transfer money to friends, or request it back, but this is our current favourite by a mile. The new Payfriendz app offers a breakthrough in sending money in an easy and enjoyable way. It works a bit like WhatsApp meets a cooler Paypal. With an integrated messenger the app helps to send and receive money from friends as quickly as sending text message, complete with emojis and the rest.

As for the design, it’s Apple intuitive with no distractions from unnecessary app clutter. To be honest, with it’s bright NYC Subway style icons, we kind of forgot it’s about ‘money’ and just enjoyed firing cash back and forth for coffees and lunch. I suspect it’ll be ideal for dining, traveling or anything else that people do together. Essentially sharing money, and good times, with friends without the need for a pinsentry calculator thing or bank details.

How does it work? Just select a friend from your contact list which is synced with your address book or optional Facebook’s friend list. Topping up is as easy as a prepaid phone, while I’ve already spent my paid back coffee money on tees online via the integrated virtual MasterCard. This means users can conveniently use their Payfriendz balance when shopping online on Amazon, Net-A-Porter and the like.

Also that it you can instantaneously send or receive money across currencies – currently Euro, Pound and Dollar – with practically no charge (1%), is well worth mentioning. Cheaper than taking out cash for a weekend in Kreuzberg, just pay your mate without having to pay extortionate conversion charges on top of transfer fees.

Apparently pop-ups alongside indie shops have also jumped on board, using it for payments alongside the cash, as the transfers between Payfriendz contacts are cheaper than using cards machines.

Get on it, you can Payfriendz me for a round later.



Payfriendz is available in App Store and Google Play.

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