MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Free Art Friday


Today the city of London will be  decorated with pieces of photographic art courtesy of Queensland Australia… the pieces, which will be left up trees, in the back of black cabs, in phone boxes and outside notable landmarks will be bearing tags which read “Take me I’m free”. And that’s exactly what passers-by can do. No catch.

At the beginning of October the Australian state of Queensland hosted the world’s largest ever insta-meet. Over 1,000 instagrammers from across the globe descended onto the sunshine state capturing its beauty and diversity through a host of lenses… Off the back of the record breaking social media phenomenon, Tourism and Events Queensland will be exhibiting some of the very best images to come out of the event, at a popup ‘Insta-gallery’ in London. The free exhibition has opened up on the 15th October at Art Galleries Europe (18 Maddox St, London, W1S 1PL) and run for ten days.

The exhibition will also be participating in the ‘Free Art Friday’ phenomenon. On Friday 17th photography will be distributed across London for passers-by to take home with them, and then on Friday 24th October every piece of art work exhibited in the gallery will be given away – handing it out to passers-by on Maddox Street. Very much an antithesis to Frieze Week.


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