MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Art Under The Hood: Street Art To Inspire The Local Community In Shoreditch


The Project Art Under the Wood, created by poet and urban warrior Jay Pacer, allows both aspiring and established artist equal footing on what is becoming an ever-crowded platform. Jay’s Wall is proving to be so popular he is inundated with requests to have its Cremer Street/Hackney Road graced by Urban Art Scene royalty . As part of Art Under the Hood Pacer created the Sowing Seeds Project, which uses street art to inspire people to connect through a sense of community, mutual respect and of course, peace and love. By inviting an exciting variety of street artists to give their contribution, this project has since the beginning of 2013  brightened up the streets of Shoreditch with inspiring colourful visions.

Maggio was invited to jump on the ever-changing walls project where some of the best London street artists such as Paul ‘Don’ Smith,Otto Schade, Franakapan, Kef!, Dank ,Binty and more have all be apart of.

Wanting to give tribute to the name of the project, Maggio created a piece representing an Amazonian Goddess holding a seed in her palm. The theme of the jungle deity often recurs in Maggio’s murals: “I paint huge goddess-like women to make the passersby feel loved and wrapped in the lushness of their multicoloured, voluptuous looks.  I get so much pleasure out of painting their loving eyes and get lost in the plushy vines. These are visions I had when living in the Amazonian jungle and I feel the importance to share them within the grey urban environment, to remind people of the shocking beauty of nature, particularly the Amazon, the lungs of the world.”

For more information on The Sowing Seeds Project at Hackney you can follow Art Under the Hood on Twitter and Facebook.

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