MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Meet your New Therapist: The Animated GIF

Graphic artist and illustrator Adam J. Kurtz created a series of animated GIFs that are sure to make your stress go away (or at least take a small vacation). Made with phrases he was sent through Twitter, each GIF uses a calming animated background with a motivational or relaxing phrase. Kurtz’s followers sent him each of these phrases as examples of their way to approach life. Each encourages the viewer to not take life too seriously and focus on what is important (“It’s a Bad Day, Not a Bad Life.”) The phrases remind us that it is normal to have bad times; we just have to remember to “Just Keep Moving.” There are also GIFs for the more lighthearted and quirky which asks viewers to think “What Would Cher Do?” to keep going with their day.

The animation lets viewers stare at the GIF as long as they want and still be entertained. This series comes from a lot of other graphic artists that have used motivational phrases and prints together, but Kurtz took it to the next level with the animation. These are sure to start popping up all over the Internet as people reshare them and use them. Hopefully they will succeed in leading to a stress-free life!

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