MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Our Society’s Awesome Fatigue


We live in a world of quick fame and a desire for money. This lifestyle might not be as we think, however, and can instead lead to an “awesome fatigue.” Fashion Stylist Candice Lo came up with this title with her most recent photo project. The photos are called “Awesome Fatigue,” of course, and they try to portray the emptiness of fame, even if it is glamorous. She explains how our media-based society allows people to become famous in the blink of an eye, but this cycle of stories and gossip end up harming the audience and the subject.

Keeping with the glamour of fame, her photographs show bright colours and beautiful models. The clothes are amazing even if that is not the point of the photographs. The London-based stylist used local designers to dress these models. The girls, however, do not really look happy. They have fabulous clothes (which look expensive), but they look tired.

Lo’s focus is on the scenes she creates. A beautiful girl surrounded by empty bottles, a model spending hours in front of the mirror just so she can keep this lifestyle and another tiredly running out the door in her high heels. This is what she calls the “Awesome Fatigue.”

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