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Trending Startups: Interview with Federico Ferraro Co-founder of Quiqup

Quiqup is an on-demand delivery service, revolutionising the way in which companies and consumers connect to local London retailers and restaurants. Whatever you need, from food and drink to useful items and gifts, simply place your order via the app and Quiqup will collect and deliver it to your door within the hour.

-= Purpose =-

What problem did you set out to fix in this world? How did you want to disrupt or disrupted your industry? What inspired you do this?

The idea for the business came about following the realisation that time is an increasingly important commodity for both consumers and businesses in London. Quiqup allows users to purchase the items they need, when they need them, with just a few clicks.

We’re different to the likes of Deliveroo, as we’re not limited by a specific vertical such as delivering food or partnership agreements, thus Quiqup can provide a far wider range of products and services. We’re also different to services like Amazon, as rather than delivering generic stock from a warehouse, Quiqup works with London-based retailers and high-street shops and restaurants, supporting and championing local businesses, such as the Mae Deli, a new cafe from blogger Deliciously Ella.

As a professional living in London, I personally found it difficult to manage my chores and errands whilst working. This inspired me to start Quiqup as I saw a gap in the market that no companies were filling at the time.

How did you make it happen? Did you write a business plan, had a clear strategy and a business model or did you just started doing it and then figured it out in the process. Has your initial vision changed since the launch?

Like most businesses we started with a solid strategy but as soon as we launched, we scrapped the plan. As our vision was evolving rapidly, we found that being a flexible and reactive company works best for us.

What’s the biggest risk that you’ve ever taken and how did it turn out?

Starting Quiqup and committing to such an innovative and disruptive concept is probably one of the biggest risks I have taken, to date. However, seeing the company grow has turned out to be one of the most rewarding.


-= Advice: From launch to funding=- 

What would be your tip to someone looking for an investment? How did you find your investors? 

My advice would be to put all of your focus into the product and get it to a place that you’re happy with. If the business starts to then have traction, investors will seek you out.

What 3 pieces of advice would you give to startup founders? What do founders need to focus on in order to be successful?

-= Productivity & Constant Learning=-

What are your favourite apps that make your live easier and media sites that you read every day to stay up to date?

My favourite apps are Quiqup to get anything I need, Uber to move around and Mail to reply on the go. The sites that I go to every day are TechCrunch and Harvard Business Review.

Have you had any mentors or role models that have influenced you? Who do you learn from how to grow your business?

My dad inspired and motivated me by always supporting my decisions and my uncle, who continued the family business, has always given me great advice.

-= Future=-

Where do you see your company in a few years’ time and what are your thoughts on the future of your industry how is it changing?

Our goal is to expand internationally and to be at the forefront of the on-demand delivery industry. In a few years time I believe that we’ll be changing the way that firms operate and peoples’ views on convenience shopping.

What kinds of companies or particular technologies are you most excited about right now and what trends do you think are overhyped?

I’m really interested in companies that focus on Virtual Reality, Data Driven Design and Ambient User Experience. However, current trends that I don’t favour quite so much, are the ‘internet of things’ and the Quantified Self movement.

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