MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Artist Joe Webb collages on consumerism


Collages are usually left for young children to do during their arts and crafts time in school.

But artist Joe Webber took his collages to a whole new level. His pieces are dominated by contrast and the juxtapositions of opposite things. He tends to emulate vintage 50’s style, speaking to consumerism and the Western world. He is tired of the unrealistic lifestyles the Western media has portrayed and tries to deconstruct the idea of luxury, beauty and wealth through egocentric ideals.

Webber intends to parody advertisements and the unachievable standards that confine individuals to one ideal of success. He wants to deconstruct what the media feeds us on a daily basis.

Check out some of our favorite pieces!

Image Source: http://www.joewebbart.com/

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