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Contemporary Theatre Performance ‘Take The Pill’

An intriguing new theatre performance will soon land in the heart of Stratford.

The performance stars André Pepe as the eccentric Quentin.

Take The Pill tells the story of Quentin, an enchanted boy with a dark story. He might have murdered his mother.

Quentin tries to live with this through the distortion of blurred memories and his uncertainty of what is real and what is fantasy.

The performance stars André Pepe and is directed by Catalina Teuly. We asked André himself to give us more information about the play.

Tell us a little bit more detail about how ‘Take The Pill’ was conceived.

It began as an ensemble. I wrote the script itself, just over half an hour in length. I asked four close friends of mine to submit writing samples of a character with ‘mummy/daddy issues.’ I then used these ideas as further inspiration for the different realities existing inside Quentin’s head.

What are some aspects about this performance that make it unique?

It has had so much variety poured into it. Catalina has put together this performance using Argentinian Theatre Aesthetics, which has worked very well. The samples came from friends from England, Portugal, Greece and Russia. The piece has a lot of diversity.

Some of the photos really draw us in, can you give us some more insight into them?

Each photo represents a single ‘reality’ in the performance. These different realities Quentin experiences inside his head have allowed us to tackle a lot of different themes in one performance. Mental health, sexuality and gender being a few of them.

This performance is solely you. You will be the only one on stage. Is that daunting?

Of course, I’m terrified! But Catalina will be there every step of the way. It’s a very intimate piece in an enclosed studio. There’s no one else to rely on. I feel this is such a big step for me as an actor, and that it’s important to constantly push yourself outside your comfort zone. It will be a challenge and I’m ready for it.

The performance will be one of a series of performances by the MA Acting and Directing class at University of East London, all of which promise to deliver electrifying theatre experiences.

Take The Pill will be performed only once on Friday 23 June at 19:00, at University Square Stratford.

Stay up to date with the event on its Facebook page.

Ticket’s for the performance can be purchased here.

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