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5 New Year Resolutions You Should Stick To

Every January the internet explodes with “New Year, new me” tweets and articles, despite the fact 80% of us end up failing our resolutions by February.

If you’re wanting to jump on the bandwagon of setting yourself a New Year resolution for 2018, then let us be a guide to what goals you should make and stick to. Don’t worry they’re not as extreme as not eating chocolate; these resolutions are actually for the good and will help transform your life for the better.

1. Meet new people
Meeting new people can be beneficial to your mental health, career and of course, social life. It’s a big old world out there and there are lots of amazing opportunities to be had. If you’re sat wondering how you can approach strangers without looking strange, apps like Huggle make socialising easy. The location-based app works by matching you to people who go to the same places as you. You can use Huggle for finding dates, friends or if you simply want to see who hangs out at your favourite places. Seriously this app is so addictive!
2. Get in shape
This is a boring resolution – trust us, we know! However this is a popular goal which a lot of people struggle to achieve. The easiest way to exercise is to do something you enjoy – whether that’s dancing or yoga, you need to find an activity that suits you. Once you get passionate about something you can then look at setting further goals, such as running a marathon or lifting a heavy weight. Whatever the objective, it’s important to have a goal in mind. That way you can train towards achieving your dream.
3. Learn to be happy with your life
Life is to be enjoyed and if you’re not happy with your life, then this should be a priority for you to change. Perhaps a new job, new friend or a new love interest will make you better. Whatever the issue, work towards being the happiest you can be. Even if that means making drastic changes. Life is too short to be unhappy.
4. Read and learn more
There must be a book you’ve always wanted to read or a subject or language you’d love to learn. If so, do it. You may think you don’t have the time but make time. Just an hour a day can be all you need; especially when learning something new like a language or hobby. Start now and by this time, next year, you could be fluent in French. How impressive!
5. Find a significant other
If you’re sick of dating and just want to find someone who you are compatible with, don’t give up the dating apps just yet! Huggle (the app we mentioned earlier) is perfect for matching you with like-minded people. So if you’re looking for someone who shares your interests and lifestyle then this app is for you. We all need someone to love and share our life with, so start with Huggle and don’t forget to invite us to the wedding….
Download Huggle for free now.
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