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Getty Images Gallery presents Subject, Object, Creator: The Female Gaze

Getty Images today announces the launch of Subject, Object, Creator: The Female Gaze, a powerful new exhibition featuring 70 photographs of the female identity shot by women at the cutting edge of creative photography. Celebrating self-representation, the exhibition aims to communicate an honest visual truth about the nature of modern femininity.

The exhibition is a response to the groundswell of feminism which has been slowly and steadily growing for decades to be front and centre of political and social debate today with the #MeToo movement. Showcasing diverse viewpoints on the subject of ‘womanhood’, the curation includes Renaissance-style portraits from Stephanie Nnamani’s stunning ‘Black Victorian’ series alongside conceptual and documentary-style images.  Vintage celebrity portraits complement archival images of women in industry during World War 2.

Rebecca Swift, Director of Creative Insight at Getty Images said: “Female photographers have always sought to redefine the manner and styles in which women are visually represented across advertising, film, and other media. How women are depicted is a consistent discourse but how women see women is becoming more pertinent to the debate. Over the last five years, we, at Getty Images, have sought out partners such as Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In Org, Refinery29 and Muslimgirl.com to break harmful stereotypes and evolve the visual language around women.

“Global news events and the resulting conversations means that self-representation has never been more important, so this is a significant and timely exhibition.”

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