It’s very possible these days to make good money while working a job you enjoy doing. In fact, if it is a job you enjoy doing, then technically, it’s not really work. Imagine making money from your hobby!
Because there are so many hobbies in the world, the possibilities are nearly endless. You could work on one or more of your hobbies separately, or even go entirely crazy and mix both (or all) of them to create something special.
Just in case you’re stuck at choosing one of them, here’s a list of the top 5 creative businesses you can start right now. Especially in the London area, these jobs are hot right now.
Start your YouTube / Instagram channel
You’ve heard it a thousand times over, but the social media / content creation industry is one of the most creative industries to work in. Having the community you produce content for be willing to hear and listen to you, while also giving you feedback on how you can create better content is an important business trait that not many industries can boast of. As such, being an influencer on these platform is not only highly lucrative, but also offers a means for you to grow as a person.
Organic Food Stall
For the past few years, most people have focused intently on moving towards a much healthier lifestyle. And nothing says healthy more than organic food. Starting an organic food stall would not only put you in the eyes of many brands and brand influencers alike, but also help you connect with the local community. You can make an impact within your community by inspiring more and more people to live a healthier lifestyle.
Beauty Franchise
Franchising is one of the best ways to bring what you love most about your favourite business home. And beauty salon owners actually make a pretty sum. You can literally make money by entertaining your community, making them look their best, and providing a safe haven for them. A good resource for those looking into a beauty franchise is on Point Franchise site.
E- Shop
E-commerce is one of the hottest jobs on the planet right now because literally anyone, anywhere can get started – from literally nothing – and break even. All you need to start an e-commerce store is basically an internet connection (you’re reading this, aren’t you?) and a laptop. With dozens of tutorial articles and videos all over the internet on this topic, it’s important to choose one that works for the product you want to sell.
Become a personal shopper
You can also earn money by shopping for older people, or even younger, wealthier clients. Although personal shopping isn’t that hard if you know your niche, getting started might prove hard for introverts. So as a quick tip for anyone who wants to do this, go get some friends!
You can start these creative businesses right now in London, and if you put in the necessary hard work, you will definitely make a name for yourself – and also pretty good cash.