More than 13m1 coffee drinkers are suffering from ‘Baristaphobia’ the fear of trendy and intimidating coffee spots, according to new research for London Coffee Festival (28 – 31st March).
The findings by KRUPS coffee machines found that despite the UK’s recent coffee culture boom, half (49%) say they find coffee culture daunting and admit that they struggle to differentiate between types of coffee (57%).
In a test of their coffee knowledge, many failed to correctly name some of the world’s most famous coffee exports. Only a third (35%) could accurately describe Italy’s short and strong espresso, while less than a quarter (23%) knew that a latte is an espresso shot topped up with steamed milk. Less than one in 10 could explain what newer arrivals, piccolo and lungo, are.
Even the nation’s favourite coffees were a hallenge; appuccino and Americano are among the country’s top choices, but less than half (48%) can accurately describe the chocolate-topped coffee, while just over a quarter (27%) know that an Americano is an espresso made with extra hot water. When it comes to pronouncing coffee names, one in five admit to fumbling over a macchiato.
In response to the findings, KRUPS has created the ‘Coffee Confidence’ quiz and guide, to test the nation’s knowledge and explain how different coffees are made, to give Brits the confidence to try something new, from cold brew through to a frappuccino.
On average, British coffee lovers get through nearly 120m1 cups of coffee everyday with a latte the most popular choice. Residents in the East Midlands drink the most daily (2.7 cups), with those in the North West and South East sticking to just two cups.
Over half of takeaway coffee drinkers (54%) have seen their daily coffee-to-go increase in price in the past three years, with more than 6m reusable cups bought since chains started charging more for takeaways. The investment of a bean-to-cup coffee machine means environmentally-friendly barista-style drinks from just 5p per cup.
Coffee drinkers’ top 10 favourite coffees
- 1.Latte (37%)
- Cappuccino (36%)
- Americano/Flat white (23%)
- Filter coffee (19%)
- Espresso (13%)
- Mocha (12%)
- Frappuccino (6%)
- Macchiato (5%)
- French press (cafetière) (4%)