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Thrill-seekers vs chill-seekers

13 MILLION of us now pick adventure and adrenaline OVER pool-gazing and sunbathing

With the May bank holidays upon us, thousands of Brits will look to escape the 9-5 grind, not to mention grey skies and Brexit boredom. However, how we plan on doing this is a far cry from the stereotype of Brits abroad from the 80s and 90s. Our tendencies to become sedentary beings, only willing to leave our sunbeds for a full English or a pint, are being challenged.

WeSwap have commissioned nationally representative research across a sample of more than 2000 UK adults to find out just how accurate this stereotype is in the current era of travel, and it turns out, we’ve changed! With so much choice available and social media influencing how and where we travel, is an all-inclusive holiday spent rotating between buffet, sun-lounger and bed sufficient?

The research has revealed that, not only are our priorities changing when on holiday but, when it comes to our finances, more people than ever are allocating their increasing budgets to adventurous excursions. According to research, the total budget for spending money while abroad in 2019 increased by 5x more than the budget for flights, accommodation and all the extras. Of this spending money budget, more than 40% will be allocated to adventurous activities

From tree canopy zip lines to bungee jumping, Brits are no longer the stereotype embodied by TV shows like Benidorm. Instead, with a focus on getting value for time and money, we’re grabbing the bull by the horns (in some cases literally) and squeezing every memory and adventurous experience they can out of their holidays. The top five adrenaline fuelled excursions for Brits with a taste for danger are:


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