MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Elaborate Food Sculptures are Illusions

Georgia-Rose Fairman is an elaborate food sculptor. She carves cakes and has fully mastered the art of illusion in her work. Producing meals all resembling other things, including roast dinners, pigs heads and the occasional corpse.

To create this Georgia uses a basic sponge and marzipan to mould the sculptures. Then she delicately applies edible watercolours in order to achieve the life-like aesthetic.

The roast cake took a day to make, Georgia used a parmesan grater to create the dimples on the chicken skin, with the carrots and potatoes made of marzipan.

“It’s a weird cross between food and sculpture,” she told The New York Times.

The quirky cakes certainly make for a talking point as she proves food is another medium to be explored and get excited about.

Check out Georgias Instagram

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