MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Suspended: Breathtaking Paintings By Chloe Early

Now Chloe has painted a series of paintings entitled Suspended. In these paintings she takes inspiration from the central role that rapture and religion took in the Renaissance Period  -in those days religion was expressed though images of God and the like but Chloe asks: “What do we worship these days?I decided that in these works I want to transcend all the background noise and elevate my figures out of the mundane and into a more celestial space, suspending them there for the viewer and for myself.”

Chloe also alludes to the Romantic Period  – which was  focused on achieving a higher purpose for oneself –  as the figures in her paintings are caught in a moment of weightlessness, they will either rise or fall in whatever they hope to achieve.

You can buy one of her paintings as a print on The Outsiders website – www.theoutsiders.net and to check out more of her beautiful work in this series go here – chloeearly.com


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