MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Master of juxtaposition Joe Webb reveals new originals

With the use of vintage magazines and printed ephemera that he has collected, Joe Webb creates witty images for the viewer to interpret. These creations are simple yet surreal with the juxtaposition of the vintage people and the surreal background.

This new body of work features original collages and silkscreens on plywood. He doesn’t use any computer technology to fake the images when creating the different pieces of art. Instead he re-invents the pictures by combining different shots he has collected over the years. The pieces explore ideas of love and longing by juxtaposing different elements.

Joe Webb is a British artist that has had works featured in prestigious places like the Saatchi Gallery. His artwork is also displayed on The Madden Brothers latest album. Celebrities like Cameron Diaz and Janelle Monae have also purchased some of his works for their collections. 

To view more of the collection or purchase prints go to http://hanguppictures.com/contemporary/artists/joe-webb/joe-webb-originals

Image Credit: Hang-Up

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