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Which colours are best for your bedroom?

Photo by Spacejoy on Unsplash

The bedroom is first and foremost a place of relaxation, so the colours you choose for it should reflect this! Did you know that some colours directly promote relaxation, while others can disrupt it? So choose carefully. Here are some tips on how to do it.

Stick to nature

Neutral shades such as taupe and cream, and softer, earth coloured tones like dark greens and warm browns are great for your bedroom colour scheme. If you feel relaxed when you’re in the woods, or by a beach – try to evoke a similar, cohesive scheme in your bedroom. Soft shades like this are easy to style – just pick your favourite three tones, for example, and make sure everything you choose is one of those. Natural fabrics, like cotton and linen, are great options too for any textiles – especially for your bedding.

Bright, bold or garish colours are generally not so suitable for walls or furniture, as they can be ‘busy’ and loud which disrupts your relaxation – but if you’re really fond of a certain colour, add them in the form of some accessories or small accents. As a general rule of thumb, we argue for neutral walls and floors, with a few funky accessories thrown in for fun.

Soothing shades – what does science say?

So which colours are actually going to promote relaxation? Previously, the obvious choice was blue, which is generally known for its calming effect. However, experts agree that it shouldn’t be overdone. Too much blue can negatively affect melatonin production – much like the blue light coming from computer screens or mobile phones. So, use blue carefully in the bedroom and don’t let it overwhelm the space. Light grey, and softer shades of green or yellow can have a similarly calming effect, and would go nicely with some blue accents, should you be so inclined.

Which colours should you avoid?

People say that red should be avoided at all costs in the bedroom. It’s too bold and has an energetic effect, some even say it encourages anger, which is not exactly desirable in a relaxing room. It can hinder a peaceful sleep. Some, however, argue that certain shades of red can bring a warm feeling to the bedroom and perhaps even awaken passion! If you decide to add red, it’s certainly not advisable to paint the whole room with it, and go for softer, muted tones like burgundy or rust. Red will also work much better in the form of smaller accessories, in the context of a more neutral space.

Be careful with purple too, as it encourages the development of creativity – great for an office, perhaps, but at night you want your thoughts to be calm and undisturbed. Those who normally have trouble sleeping should be especially careful with it.

In the end, however, the colour scheme of your bedroom always depends solely on how you feel about it. If you prefer a dark colour scheme, and you find dark shades soothing and help you relax – then go for it! If you’re more a lover of bright, airy spaces, and you feel hemmed in by darker tones, then that’s fine too. After all, it’s your space – and that’s what matters!

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