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Royal Drawing School presents Summer Show of contemporary drawing

Images (left to right): Christabel MacGreevy, Witch Bittle Blue, ceramic vessel, 32cm x 27cm; Jessie Makinson, Sting for your Bow, oil on canvas, 30cm x 50cm; Olivia Kemp, Annorstades, Ink on paper, 34.2 x 47.5 cm

Drawn Together: Royal Drawing School Summer Show 2024, curated by Julia Balchin (Principal of the School) is a group exhibition that reveals the breadth and flexibility of drawing and the unique way in which it connects all artistic practice, opening 17 June until 12 July 2024.

The exhibition emphasises the way in which the boundaries of perceptual drawing can be pushed; from works on paper, metal and ceramics to woodblock prints and etching. It is the first exhibition of a new annual programme of shows celebrating the best of contemporary drawing; made possible with the generous support of arts philanthropist, Maria Manetti Shrem.

The 30 exhibiting artists are all graduates of the Royal Drawing School’s postgraduate-level programme, The Drawing Year, who have studied at the School over the past 24 years. Names include Christina Kimeze who recently exhibited at White Cube Paris; Deanio X who was one of ten artists commissioned by His Majesty The King to create portraits of pioneering members of the Windrush Generation which were later exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery; Jessie Makinson represented by Lyles and King; Jake Garfield who is currently included in a group show at the British Museum, Louis Pohl Koseda, the first recipient of the Christie’s Drawing Year Award; Christabel MacGreevy represented by Tristran Hoare, and Kathryn Maple who won the prestigious John Moores Painting Prize.

The new programme of annual exhibitions, proudly supported by Maria Manetti Shrem, will include work by national and international artists for whom drawing is a central part of their practice. Artworks will be selected by specially invited guest curators. California-based Sophia Penske is co-curating ‘LA Woman’, which will open later in the year.


Drawn Together: Royal Drawing School Summer Show 2024: 17 June – 12 July 2024
The Royal Drawing School, 19 – 22 Charlotte Road, London EC2A 3SG
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm, Saturdays 10am – 4pm

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