MiS Magazine | Daily exploration of Creativity & Innovation

Interview with Indie Pop band VELVET MOON

We caught up with trailblazing Swedish trio VELVET MOON who released their latest offering ‘A Love Song’ on 11 October via Argle Bargle Studios. The single is a stunning ode to a dearly missed friend, and premiered on acclaimed tastemaker Metal Magazine. In the interview, we chat to the band’s vocalist and lyricist Sandra Bjurman about the birth of VELVET MOON, how the band copes with stress, and their upcoming 5th album.

Stream VELVET MOON‘A Love Song’ while reading the interview below:

1. Tell us about you, how long have you been making music? What inspired you to start?

VELVET MOON consists of a trio: Sandra Bjurman, Stefan Örn and Johan Glössner. We started the band in 2018 to make our own music. We have all been working as songwriters, producers and musicians since a young age but felt the need to express ourselves and leave our print. Within VELVET MOON, there are no rules or does and don’ts, so we can be and become and sound however we want – the best feeling.


2. The music industry is super competitive these days, was there a moment in your life that you wanted to give up on music? How did you manage to stay focused and achieve what you want?

We have all felt the need to step back, take a break, regroup and find the fun again in our relationship with music. These periods come and go like everything else in life. The beauty for us now is to have VELVET MOON as an outlet where we can play and work so that the joy that music-making brings can flower fully.


3. How would you describe your creative processes? Who writes the lyrics to the songs? Are the music and lyrics written in conjunction, or separately?

We all add different things but are highly involved in all aspects. Stefan and Johan build the soundscapes, and Sandra writes the lyrics but when it comes to writing the songs we are all bricks and lay the puzzle together.


4. Where did the inspiration come from?

This depends on song to song. Sometimes the lyric is written first and in others the melody, chords and lyrics are born simultaneously.


5. What’s next for you?

We are just now finishing up our 5th album and agreed on its title today: “Endless War In The Summer” (you are the first to know). The record will be our spring 2025.

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