Shoreditch has a happiness outlook of clear skies, bright sunlight, birds singing and streets full of fruit trees. At least this is what “The Happy Forecast,” a project by Shoreditch-based Clubhouse Studios, has found in their yearlong research. The happiness outlook for the area right now is “highly favourable” according to the project, which is based on an interactive map of London that shows the positive or negative outlook for each postcode. Each has its own graphic and personalized landmarks as well as bright colors for happy postcodes and dark ones for the opposite. The project shows that Shoreditch (E2) is happier than Old Street (E1) and Soho (W1 and W2), the other two creative areas in London. Although most of the data comes from research, a live “mood” is constructed from real-time tweets in each postcode.
The company’s research is based on observation of social interactions. Acts like people smiling at strangers or letting people pass (or even not interacting at all or acting aggressively towards others) was noted in the study. These anonymous “transitory social interactions” (in case you were wondering what the psychological term is) were found to affect mood and long-term social wellbeing. Hopefully Happy Forecast will raise awareness of the importance of small everyday interactions with strangers and best friends. The project urges you to smile, hold hands, laugh, and compliment someone on their outfit today and everyday. Live in jokes and friendly tones and always hug when you can.