Spacemize is an innovative platform which transforms the underused bar/restaurant area of leading London hotels into productive work spaces during the day. Our goal is to create an alternative work environment that bridges the gap between existing ones. An office that matches the mobility of entrepreneurs, startups and remote workers- and a community of digital innovators.
G: What problem did you set out to fix in this world? How did you want to disrupt or disrupted your industry? What did inspire you to do this?
S: As an entrepreneur, my schedule is quite flexible- I can spend my entire day in between meetings, changing different locations. I wanted to create a flexible office solution which matched my mobility. I also wanted to be able to expand my network effectively while working- connecting with like-minded individuals with whom I could also do business with. In global capitals like London, office space is costly and there’s always demand for flexible work space. My aim is to disrupt the industry by optimising the existing space to create the best of both worlds for fellow entrepreneurs. An office solution that is more productive than working from home, comfortable than a coffee shop and cost effective than renting a coworking desk.
G: How did you make it happen? Did you write a business plan, had a clear strategy and a business model or did you just started doing it and then figured it out in the process. Has your initial vision changed since the launch?
S: Spacemize had a clear strategy from the early beginning, but at the same time I am open to suggestions and value members’ feedback. The very original version of Spacemize has been morphed to fit with user demand- for example the introduction of a very affordable day pass.
G: What’s the biggest risk that you’ve ever taken and how did it turn out?
S: The biggest risk was entering the tech market- it’s quite different to the sectors my family has traditionally invested in. It’s an exciting space to be and I look forward to seeing Spacemize grow.
Advice – From start to funding
G: What 3 pieces of advice would you give to startup founders? What do founders need to focus on in order to be successful?
1)Sell your vision, not a product. If you can make people believe in your reality and dream to change the world, you are halfway there.
2)Read. It’s a simple yet very powerful piece of advice. A book can be several hundred pages of wisdom gathered through a lifetime- learn from other peoples’ mistakes if you can, rather than making (and learning) from your own.
3)Don’t give up. The startup road is not straightforward, it is bumpy and full of ups and downs. Don’t stop believing that you can make it.

G: What would be your tip to someone looking for an investment? How did you find your investors?
S: I think having a unique proposition certainly helps and great preparation does too. I’ve found one of the most effective ways to find investors has been through warm introductions.
Productivity & Constant Learning
G: What are your favourite apps that make your life easier and media sites that you read every day to say up to date?
S: I read Forbes so I can always stay up to date with current news and trends. I like Medium as both an app and a blogging platform- it gives me access to unique and interesting content, while expanding my vision of the world.
G: Have you had any mentors or role models that have influenced you? Who do you learn from how to grow your business?
S: I very much admire Jeff Bezos- he is the real epitome of someone who’s turned his vision into one of the most successful companies of the 21st century. He’s transformed online marketplace and the way people shop. My family has also had a lot of influence on the way I conduct business- I come from a long tradition of entrepreneurship.
G: Where do you see your company in a few years’ time and what are your thoughts on the future of your industry how is it changing?
S: I see Spacemize to be the future of work. The way people work has changed- there is an increased need for on-demand solutions- in various sectors like work, finance and transport. Spacemize will grow alongside the growing number of people who are working remotely. At the same time, in a large city space is key. So is optimising it. Spacemize does both- providing a unique flexible office solution, while monetising on unused space that is already there.
G: What kinds of companies or particular technologies are you most excited about right now and what trends do you think are overhyped?
S: I’m very excited about AI and machine learning- we constantly operations and products we use everyday to be improved thanks to it. A trend that I believe to be overhyped is electric scooters- an industry I can not understand the demand for.