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Outside the Cube by OSGEMEOS

Renowned contemporary artists OSGEMEOS is creating their first ever mural, Efêmero. It will be presented on the walls of Milan, Italy’s Pirelli HangarBicocca. The mural will be part of a three-year project “Outside the Cube.” The project, curated by Cedar Lewisohn, involves fresh takes on public art and events to parallel each other throughout the three years.

OSGEMEOS, or “the twins,” is the name of brothers Fustave and Otávio Pandolfo from São Paulo. OSGEMEOS frequently works in a huge scale with characteristic color schemes and patterns. The industrial site of Pirelli HangarBicocca, now devoted to public art projects, became perfect for OSGEMEOS and other street artists. Incorporating the astounding architecture, the mural will transform the building. The artist’s project will take over the outer walls for one year, covering a thousand square meters.

In addition, a catalog will be designed by the artists exploring their history of architectural interventions like this one.

All artwork by OSGEMEOS: http://www.osgemeos.com.br/en

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