Photo by Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

Unlock the Magic of Your Event at an Exclusive Venue

When a person is tasked with finding a venue for a special event, they may not know where to start this search. This individual recognizes they need to find something unique and exclusive to make the gathering stand out. While standard meeting rooms work in certain situations, they know that is not the case with the event to be held. What should a person look for as they move forward with their quest to find an exclusive venue that will unlock the magic of their event? 

The Location

A venue needs to be easily accessible for all participants. If the event is being held for locals, ensure it is within reasonable driving distance of their homes or offices. For those who will be coming in from out of town, a venue close to an airport and lodging will be appreciated. When looking at venues, consider local traffic conditions, transportation options, and parking. 

Provide all participants with a mobile event app. This app will supply them with a map, driving directions, parking information, and more. For example, Clevedon Hall is only 25 minutes from Bristol Airport. This app may show them different options for traveling between the two locations. The same app may also be used to help them get to different locations once they enter the venue.

Venue Availability

Unique venues often book up early. When choosing a venue of this type, have multiple dates in mind and call a minimum of six months prior to the event to secure the location. In fact, six months may not be enough.

Experienced event planners often book a venue a year or more in advance. If the perfect venue has been found and the event is held annually, secure the date for the following year before leaving the present year’s event. Planning can then begin for the next event immediately, as the venue has already been handled. 

Venue Capacity

Event planners must know how many people will be invited to the event and ensure the venue can hold this number. The venue must adhere to all fire and safety codes, so they will not allow an event to go beyond the allowed numbers. Doing so could lead to fines and penalties for the venue owner. Multiple violations could lead to the venue being shut down by authorities. 

However, some venues have venue minimums that must be met. This requirement is commonly seen when the venue will be providing food and beverages for the participants. Look at past events and see if they are in line with this F&B requirement. If they aren’t, it might be best to look for another venue. 

If numbers from past events exceed the F&B minimum, this gives the event planner some negotiating room. Ask if the venue will provide free Wi-Fi service or other amenities for all participants. Venues are often willing to do so for a good customer who brings in a lot of business. 

These are only three of several considerations when choosing a unique venue to unlock the magic of an event. Unique venues often come with high price tags because they offer things their competitors cannot. However, an event planner who regularly makes use of the venue will find they have room to negotiate on behalf of their organization or clients, as every venue must compete for business. When both parties work together for their mutual benefit, everybody wins.