Illusive Art Collective 83y0nd Brings ‘Paradise Lost’ to London—A Dystopian Beachscape You Won’t Forget
A New Mural In Shoreditch By Mr Cenz Bablu Miah·19/08/2014A new week need’s a new mural from @mrcenzgraffiti in Shoreditch, well here you go....
New mural from @Eelus Bablu Miah·09/08/2014Bristol based artist @Eelus first wall in 4 year’s, and it’s in Shoreditch thanks to @31thirteenart and @FifthWallTV....
Shoreditch Street Art: Two Men Fighting Over The Moon By Fintan Magee Bablu Miah·30/07/2014Here is the new mural from Australian artist Fintan Magee completed yesterday in Shoreditch, entitled “Two Men Fighting...