Illusive Art Collective 83y0nd Brings ‘Paradise Lost’ to London—A Dystopian Beachscape You Won’t Forget
#Bookclub: ‘Bastard, The Damned, The Lords Of The New Church & More’ Victoria Pearson·20/11/2019‘Bastard, The Damned, The Lords Of The New Church & More’: The Authorised Biography Of Brian James’ Author...
#BookClub: DAYGLO The Poly Styrene story by Celeste Bell and Zoe Howe Victoria Pearson·15/11/2019DAYGLO The Poly Styrene Story is a beautiful book about a beautiful person. Poly Styrene AKA Marianne Joan...
Fresh Fashion Voices ‘Its a Lovelace Thing’ Part Two Victoria Pearson·13/09/2019Maurice Whittingham How do you feel about being a part of the show today? I feel very honoured...
Fresh Fashion Voices ‘Its a Lovelace Thing’ Part One Victoria Pearson·11/09/2019‘Its a Lovelace Thing’ is a Pop up Fashion show in London which gives new and more experienced...
Does fashion still have shock value? Victoria Pearson·13/08/2019What is the intent of fashion? is it to shock? to inform, or to entertain? Can there be...
How Punk has influenced the couture of Jean-Paul Gaultier Victoria Pearson·07/08/2019Could there ever be a more consistently exciting designer than Jean-Paul Gaultier? He tears up the Fashion rule...
Japanese Street Fashion’s impact on London culture Victoria Pearson·01/08/2019I was waiting for a train at Shoreditch station and noticed something I hadn’t before. For once I...