Shakespeare Meets AI: Interview with Matthew Maxwell on Groundbreaking Immersive Experience ‘Something Rich and Strange’
Shakespeare Meets AI: Interview with Matthew Maxwell on Groundbreaking Immersive Experience ‘Something Rich and Strange’
Hip Lane Stories: The Names Bond MiS·26/10/2012Like Hip Lane on Facebook ( ) and follow on Twitter ( ) to see more of Hip Lane!...
Hip Lane Stories: Living on the Edge MiS·19/10/2012Like Hip Lane on Facebook ( ) and follow on Twitter ( ) to see more of...
Hip Lane Stories: Gangnam Style MiS·12/10/2012Even the hipsters dig it… Like Hip Lane on Facebook ( ) and follow on Twitter (
Hip Lane Stories: Bin Stuck Here All Day MiS·04/10/2012Like Hip Lane on Facebook ( ) and follow on Twitter ( ) to see more Hip...
Hip Lane Stories: Drip Drip Hip MiS·28/09/2012No Hipsters were hurt in the making of this comic. Like Hip Lane on Facebook ( ) and...
Hip Lane Stories: Bare Naked Hipsters MiS·21/09/2012Rick Lame’s new friend seems like a sound guy, It is to the name ‘Star Fish’ that new...
Hip Lane Stories: I ain't Lion to You MiS·07/09/2012On Brick Lane one thing is dead certain: no, not the presence of Blitz leafleters nor the subconscious...
Hip Lane Stories: Introduction MiS·31/08/2012Admit it: We all love Hipsters. We all love the big glasses, the moustaches, the half shaved haircuts...