Interview with an Artist: Kwes and Opera di Peroni

G: Tell us about your current project?
Opera di Peroni. It’s a reinterpretation of Giacomo Puccini’s La Rondine; a collaboration between myself, Go Opera & Peroni in an attempt to create a modern immersive and inviting experience in opera, and to perhaps alter preconceptions of opera being an elitist or inaccessible pastime, in the UK at least. For more information on the events, visit: or

G: What is innovative about what you do?

To be honest, I don’t think there is anything truly innovative happening in music, at least stylistically at this very moment. I do love to experiment though, as does everybody to an extent, whatever field they work in, or recreationally. I guess what makes what I do different is me.

G: Where do you get inspiration?
Literally everywhere I can or have done before be it music, books, visual art, the Internet, life experiences, emotions, moods, curiosity and more.

G: What projects did you enjoy the most so far?
I have enjoyed them all and all have been successful in their own way. Working on the DRCMusic record for Oxfam in Kinshasa was a wonderful one particularly.

G: What are your favorite artists in Shoreditch?
Invader is really great. I guess he isn’t from Shoreditch, but have seen his work there.

G: What are your favorite places in Shoreditch?

When I’m in the area, The Breakfast Club is the first place that comes to mind.

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