Tell us a bit about your background – how did you get into modelling? Was it always an aspiration of yours?
– well I’m from a small town in the east midands (northampton) now living in east london! I moved to london to work full time as a model! I’ve always wanted to become a model since I can remember sounds (vain) but through school I was like “I’m going to be a supermodel one day”!
Unlike most models which are usually 6 feet or higher, you’re 5’7. Was it difficult battling the industry standard? Now that you’ve made quite a name for yourself, do you find this is still much of an issue?

You’ve often been referred to as the ‘next Kate Moss’. How do you feel about this comparison?
– being compared to the iconic kate moss is like unreal! She’s my icon and now I’m compared to her today is a massive deal to me! People may laugh about it but it means a lot to me! One day I aim to be just like her and prove being a short model you can do well!
In terms of modelling, who would you say have been your role models and idols?
Well of course kate moss but I look up to male models (luke worral) (ash sttymest) and (issac carew)
These models have done so well in the modelling world and done everything I hope to do one day!
What are your aspirations at this stage in your career? Are there any labels/publications/people you are particularly keen on collaborating with?
– I hope to continuing working with Calvin Klein (ck1) and in the near future work with jermy scott “love his stuff & energy” givenchy and versace! I would love to be on the front cover of vogue (who wouldn’t) and work with ID!
If you weren’t modelling, what would you be doing right now? Was there ever a ‘Plan B’?

– That’s a good question!? I would probably be still living back home with my mum working a 9-5 job still dreaming to become that model!
Do you ever feel the pressures of being a model find their way into your private life? Do you ever feel pressured into looking and acting in a certain when you just want to be yourself?
– I don’t actually I don’t worry what I look like though I always try to have nice hair if not my cap Is on! I’m always myself! What u see is what you get! Simple!
Finally, what advice would you give to young men looking to build a career as models? Looking back, is there anything you would have done differently? Not that things haven’t worked out so well!
Never give up on your dreams! If you want something go for it!! What have you got to loose? Also when you start modelling know what areas of modelling you want work in!
And nope because if I did anything different I probably wouldn’t be doing this Q&A now? Ha! Mind you I do wish I could go back and stop myself from doing all the silly test shoots I did back in the day! CRINGE!
D1 Models – Aaron
Tweets by AARON_FREW
Tweets by D1Models
D1 Models
Unit 12, Union Wharf
London , N1 7SB