Turn your ideas to Apps at Modern Jago

Modern Jago is hosting series of workshops to help people with awesome app ideas through the complete development process. You don’t need to have a technical background to come along, just the beginnings of a great idea. The team at Modern Jago will help you refine your thinking, work through the user experience and if you need it, even match-make you with designers and developers.

It’s completely free to attend and you can sign up via the links below. Soon you’ll be on your way to making your app idea into a beautiful reality.

Session 1 – Ideas to Apps

In session 1, we will help you to articulate your app idea in a way that will be relevant to everyone. We will also help you to dodge some of the common issues that idea generators, like you, might face. You will be building the story around your app and each activity that we look at will form part of that story.

Session 2 – Customer Journey

You have your story, now what?

In session 2, you will be drawing your customer’s journey and understanding the assets required to make your app.

Session 3 – Match Making

The purpose of this session is to match ideas generators (you) with developers and designers (you and you) who can help make your app idea, a reality. In a speed – matching format,  developers will meet designers and designers will meet developers to find the perfect team to turn an idea into an app.

