Fabio Oliveira, better known as Cranio “Skull”
he was born in 1982. The artist grew up in the north of Sao Paulo and it was in 1998 that Fabio began to cover the gray walls with his work and he always carries in his backpack a lot creativity and good humor.
Cranio, recently came to London with Zero Cool Galleries to throw an exhibition at London’s famous Red Bull Studios. He filled the town with his blue Native American characters and we caught up with him to find out more about the man behind them.
The Indians were born after the attempt to find a character that could show the indigenous people from Brazil. His work is always in funny and curious situations and they usually are n the space to provoke the observer to think about contemporary issues like consumerism, identity, corrupt politicians and environment.
International cartoons and the famous painter Salvador Dali are some of his references that Cranio keeps them always in mind.
The artist has been improving his techniques, innovating in the context, but without lose the famous style he keeps doing in the streets.
One of the best comments we have heard about Cranio’s work came from a British collector: “Cranio has developed a unique and significant group of characters who do not are only vibrating, but also please to be seen. Furthermore, the images created by him always pass a message of important concepts we often forget in our lives. These set of qualities is what makes his art excellent to appreciate and great to think and philosophize.”