Support a good cause and get an artwork or original postcards from world renowned artist has been made possible by Galerie E.G.P, a Paris based contemporary art gallery founded in 2009 by Reine Ullmann Okuliar and Lydie Ullmann who have chosen to open their London office in 2013 in Shoreditch.
The team and the artists have come together and decided to support Refuge, a charitable organisation which gives much needed support to victims of domestic abuse. During the month of October alone, we have heard about Amanda Hutton’s trial and Keanu William’s death at two in the UK while France was outraged at the death and disappearance of five-year-old Fiona. If you add to this dreadful statistics such as for instance the fact that two women a week are killed due to domestic violence in the UK and you have enough tragedies to convince most of us that something should be done.

Galerie E.G.P therefore decided to raise fund for Refuge but to do so in an artsy way that should make Shoreditch lovers proud. The team will take part in the Royal Parks 10k in Hyde Park on January 2014. Up to this point it is a quite traditional charity run. But go to www.egprunsforreguge.com, chose the team member you want to support and the amount you want to contribute and receive an artwork! 50% of their proceeds is going to Refuge up until the race date.
If you ever needed motivation to fight for a good cause, having on your wall museum quality artworks by award-winning artists who have exhibited or performed from the MoMA in New York to the Science Museum in London via Dubai and Berlin should do! The gallery represents a group of international artists that works on a wide range of media from performance to photograph via paintings and drawings. One of its artists is the award-winning British artist Oliver Bragg draws inspiration for some of his work from the evolution of East London that he has chosen as its home.
You can support a runner (it all starts at £10) and pick an artwork at: www.egprunsforrefuge.com
Follow Galerie E.G.P on Twitter: @GalerieEGP and the campaign #EGPruns
Like them on Facebook or find out more about the artists at www.artegp.com