Be brave, stand out and work it.

One thing I love in fashion is the modeling side, I like that a person’s natural beauty can be noticed and used in a positive way. We hear a lot of gossip from the bigger models like Cara Delevingne but I like to hear from the upcoming beauties. I like seeing stunning new faces rise to stardom. I Interviewed 17 year old model who’s style inspires my own. Sasha Davison, has begun her modeling career being signed to J’Adore Models. Her portfolio can be found here Isn’t she stunning?
To me Sasha’s style is incredible. She’s very brave in fashion and I feel that is the most important thing, you have to be brave enough to try something knew, go out of your comfort zone and work it. Her style is eye catching and it makes you want to look twice. I’m a little jealous because I don’t think I’d be able pull it off. It’s so unique and powerful and it really shows her individuality towards fashion. She’s not afraid to stand out and get noticed by what she wears. She works it well.

Beth: What does fashion mean to you?
Sasha: I see fashion as a way of expressing myself without words. Of course personality is most important but what you wear and the way you wear it is normally the first thing people notice. I’m not saying dress to impress others, dress to show your personality and creativity. I’ve grown to like it when I hear people whispering about what I’m wearing, because it’s great to stand out in a world of clones!
B: How would you describe you fashion style?
S: I’m still going through style phases, but I always go back to minimal. I live in all black/ all white outfits. Once I was walking through college and these girls were talking about me right behind me when I was walking, one was like ‘omg she’s wearing white everything’ and the other was like ‘even her hair is white’ then I turned round and they were like ‘EVEN HER EYELASHES ARE WHITE’.
B: What designers or labels are you favorites and why?
S: I absolutely love Alexander Wang, Acne, Low classic, Come Des Garçons, mainly for their minimalistic and structured pieces, but I also love more outrageous designers like Meadham Kirchhoff for their unique-ness.
B: Where do you get your inspiration?
S: I don’t have any major style inspirations, I like to just put together outfits I think look good. I love Ali Michaels mom jeans/nike airforce outfits though. Also just reading cool fashion magazines and as stupid as it sounds, tumblr.
B: How do you prepare for a shoot or show?
S: Just wash/moisturise, pack some emergency makeup in case of mua cancellations, listen to music such as yung lean/of/Kanye west etc (rap music is supposed to boost your confidence). I have to make sure I eat as well or I start to feel really dizzy. I also make sure to cleanse/exfoliate/moisturise everyday n night to avoid spots.
B: Do you agree with the criticism models get about being to skinny?
S: Not at all. Designers choose skinny/tall models because their designs look best on them and their bodies don’t take attention away from the clothes, so I completely get it and a lot of people are naturally thin so I think the constant rude comments like ‘she needs to eat a burger’ are absolutely disgusting. Also there’s tons of curvy models anyway so I don’t get why people make such a big deal about it.
- Sasha Davison
B: Whats one thing in fashion you love and one thing that you dislike and why?
S: I love over sized coats- the plain ones and the big furry tacky ones. They just make every outfit look awesome. I dislike T-shirts with cringey slogans/words on such as ‘geek’ and ‘yolo’ please just no.
B: What drew you towards the modeling world?
S: I was scouted when I was 14, I’d never really thought about it before that.
B: What key things do you think are important when deciding to model? eg, confidence, time, hard working.
S: I think the most important thing is to be determined. Modeling is so hard to get into so you have to be really determined. When I first got into modeling, people at school weren’t supportive at all, they called me cocky every time I mentioned it, people spread rumors and bad mouthed me. I ended up just deleting everything I ever posted about modelling on Facebook and I just stopped because of what people thought, and I regret it so much. So if I can give any advice, it’d be DON’T LISTEN TO JEALOUS PEOPLE!! After a few years of not modelling, I decided to go for it again. I spent a few months doing test shoots/ applying to shops before I got with an agency. I kept applying but I just kept getting rejection emails and it was so down-putting. But I kept at it and I’ve only been signed for a month and I’m getting so much work I had to drop out of college.
B: What do you like and dislike in the modeling world?
S: I like the fact I get to travel to new places every day and get to meet new, interesting people every day. I’ve made more friends through modeling in the past couple of weeks than I ever did at college. I dislike the constant competition and put-downs. And also the height limit is pretty annoying because most runway models are 5’9+ So I’m hoping I grow an inch.
B: Who do you aspire to be like in the modeling industry?
S: I’d love to be known as fun and happy like Cara Delevingne, sometimes I can be shy though so I’m just trying to get over that. I just want to be well known and unique.
B: Finally what are you modeling goals?
S: I’m hoping to get into more high end fashion/ runway modeling. Things are happening, I can’t say anything but yeah things are gonna change very soon.
- Sasha Davison