Brick Lane poem by Sammy Brough


by Sammy Brough

I live just off Brick Lane.
“Sorry, uhh, um, which Lane?”
Singers with guitars Lane
Walls adorned with art Lane
Hipsters look the same Lane
Thousand bobbing heads Lane
Sell your stolen shit Lane
Surely not legit Lane
Bowling in a bar Lane
Hot tub cinema Lane
Spin your shiney sticks Lane
Drunk and being sick Lane
Smokers in the kitchen Lane
Shops heaped with stitching Lane
Overpriced clutter Lane
Home is the gutter Lane
Traffic goes One Way Lane
Vinyls, lomo’s, shades Lane
Smells like tasty food Lane
Tourists get tattoos Lane
Bagels-a-hurry Lane
“Come for best curry” Lane
“Yes, free bottle wine” Lane
Revving motorbikes Lane
Who lives in those flats? Lane
Stabvests selling gas Lane
Hippies in the park Lane
Scary in the dark Lane
Vintage Vintage Vintage
Check back down the passage
Shady Shady Shady
Scared lone walking lady
Slam shut the door and breathe
Hold on tight to the keys
Safely in the flat again
Just off of Brick Lane