A Vending Machine In New York Dispenses Gold


Cash machines are the best thing since sliced bread. You could be anywhere in London, or the world, and have access to your hard earned money, it can’t get any better than that right? Actually it can.

Nick Carr who works as a movie location scout in New York stumbled upon a different kind of cash machine, or ATM’s as they are called in America, while out and about. An ATM that dispenses gold. Yes, you read that right, GOLD.

Situated in the window of a collectible coin shop the machine allows you to insert your card and buy gold or silver bars. You can buy the gold, which comes in a gift box, in 1 oz, 10g or 5g bars along with coins too. The prices are also adjusted every minute in accordance with the stock market.

A very interesting and decadent idea but would it ever work in Shoreditch?


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All images from www.scoutingny.com