Tell us about Clutch, what did inspire you to start it?
Well, we always wanted to have our own restaurant, we love fried chicken although, generally we’d refuse to eat it. So we got our heads together and hatched our child ‘Clutch’ guilt free fried chicken, great cocktails and banging RnB…
What is unique about the Clutch?
The way we fry our food is unique to us, we only use the finest grade groundnut oils. No cholesterol carcinogenic or trans fat!! I don’t think there is any where else using it to fry chicken in London. Yet!!!
Our decor and atmosphere is totally unique to us, come check it out for yourself.
How do you select the menu?
We have monthly cook offs with the chefs, if it works it goes on if not we work on it some more… We are currently re-working our peanut and chilli chicken, so watch this space!!
What is your signature dish that everyone has to try?
Our menu is very small, we do what we do and that’s it. There is no room for a sole signature dish when we only do six types of fried chicken. They’re all a must try!! But my favourite would have to be the ‘Soy Garlic chicken’
Why did you choose Shoreditch/East London for the new restaurant?
We had no previous experience in restaurants, so we found it very hard finding a place fitting enough for what we wanted to do. No land lord in their right mind would look at us at the time, we struggled on for nearly three years. Until one day (this time last year) we got a call from our now landlord and boom, Shoreditch chose us
What would you say has been the most memorable experience while developing this business?
Getting to meet all our neighbours who are now our regular customers. The forming of new relationships with not only them but with our staff has been the most rewarding thing about starting/developing Clutch
What are your future plans?
We want to stay focused on Clutch number 1 for now . We’ve done this on our own without investment and until our baby is walking on it’s own, we wouldn’t even consider doing another!! The future is bright though :)