Whether it’s billionaire businessmen, bondage, or both, most people out there will confess to having a few favourite turn-ons in the bedroom. Brits have an image of behaving like the cast of Downton Abbey, but in a survey conducted last year Britain was voted the fourth sexiest country in the world with the UK sex toy industry worth an estimated £250 million a year. It’s because of statistics like these that SKYN Condoms want people to open up about their own sexual desires and embrace the naughty, kinky things that do it for them!
To do this they’ve created a quiz, designed to show people how kinky they really are, and to encourage them to take pride in their sexual proclivities. Covering topics from frequency and foreplay to accessories and anal, the quiz calculates just how exciting you are in the bedroom and gives you a score out of 50. Discover whether you’re proficient in the playroom or more prude than rude. Marta Toth, Senior Manager of SKYN Condoms said: “We all would like easy ways of having better sex, no matter how good it already is. We created our ‘How Grey are You’ quiz to give people a fun, lighthearted look into their own sexual adventurousness and behaviour, with tips and suggestions on how to take your sex life to the next level. Everyone who gives the quiz a go will also get the chance to discover better sex in a condom with our SKYN sample giveaway.”
You can take a look at the quiz here – http://www.skyncondoms.