Cans Of Real Shit Sold By The World’s Most Famous Italian Gourmet Food Retailer


Eataly Smeraldo, the world’s most famous Italian gourmet food retailer, opens its doors to “Real Shit”: a 750g can of top quality organic manure, prepared the way it used to be: no industries, no synthetic chemical fertilisers, just cows, chickens and nine months of waiting. Real shit is a 100% wholesome farmyard manure dedicated to Urban Farmers. It is collected from selected farms in the Veneto Region in the North of Italy. It is produced according to the rural Italian tradition of “manure heaps”, in which piles of manure are left for nine months and turned over seven times to allow for perfect ripening. This ancient process reduces bacterial load, eliminates weed seeds and enriches the fertiliser with nutrients vital to plant growth. Manure has a dual effect. Not only does it feeds the plants, it also nourishes the soil that is otherwise starved by synthetic chemical fertilisers. Real Shit is not just about rediscovering the ancient rural tradition of cultivating high quality manure. It reminds that eating is an agricultural act and that food consciousness starts from the rediscovery of where food comes from. The company believes that growing organic food is about making conscious decisions. It is about taking responsibility for what affects the world outside your urban back door. Farming is a revolutionary act.

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