Our social lives are the one bit that we’re supposed to have all figured out, aren’t we? The rest of it is taxing enough, frankly. Dating is a wilderness where the streets are paved with left-swipes, romantic relationships are reliably turbulent and work is work. Our social life is generally expected to furnish us with a wedge of gilded, giddy hours; it is our gated-off, barbed-wired Area 51 that the twin demons of stress and worry are forbidden from breaching.
Sadly, like love affairs past their sell-by-date, even social lives get stale. Winter can be a setback for even the most diligent of social butterflies, because let’s fact it, no-one willingly chooses to go outside when the weather isn’t playing nice. But to (heavily) paraphrase a certain popular television show: summer is coming, so here are a few indications that your social life might need a bit of a spring clean, from smart socialising app Thinking Bob!
You never leave north/east/south/west London
Delete as applicable. London’s segmented geography inevitably attracts a degree of tribalism; the quarter you choose to live in tends to reveal less about your taste in houses and more about who you aspire to be. If west is a polished Chelsea blonde, east is a bearded beta in a lumberjack shirt, and so on. These topographical allegiances can strengthen social identity and foster a cosy (if disingenuous) sense of small-town community, but they can also make you, well, a bit bloody lazy. Ever tried coaxing someone from Camden to Brixton for a night out? Exactly. Thinking Bob’s events are held all over London – which means that once in a while you’ll be forced to haul yourself over to *deep breath* The Other Side of Town. We predict that you will not die.
You’re starting to feel like there might be more to life than bars.
London’s pubs are great. A British institution, no doubt. They are the welcoming, woozy adult youth clubs where red wine and Sunday afternoons intersect joyfully on the scruffiest sofa in your beloved local and beer gardens winningly seek to combine two of England’s best offerings. Wouldn’t it be nice, though, if your social life didn’t just live out its days beneath three sheets of booze? Thinking Bob say yes, yes it would, so they’re instead offering up Japanese QI dinner Party, an evening of engaging and somewhat random conversation with fellow thinkers. Awkward silences are a thing of the past as you delve into a series of irrelevant yet interesting QI facts and some delicious food. Brainy nourishment at its finest – and hangover free, too.
Your friendship group hasn’t changed in years.
…Or maybe you’re not even sure that you necessarily have one. Perhaps you’ve moved to the city recently and have found it hard to make friends – somewhat ironically, you’re not alone in this. Plenty of people find that the frenetic pace of city life can be a thorn in the side when it comes to forging meaningful relationships. Alternatively, you might feel like your group of friends feels a little limiting and that you never meet new people – or that when you do, they’re only ever from within the narrow confines of your existing social milieu. Whatever! Thinking Bob is a brilliant way to meet lovely, stimulating people who are interested in similar things to you and are there to make new friends – we can’t think of a more reinvigorating social dust-off than that. You can try Culture Vulture Hunt experience at V & A Museum where you can solve the clues and work out the puzzles on the trail of discovery through the museum using your phone and your brain with a bunch of new friends.
You want your social life to make you feel smarter
And really, why shouldn’t it? Between work, play and wasting 99% of your time on the internet, it can sometimes feel like there’s not much time left over to take your intellectual curiosity for a spin. Too often we use our free hours to sink into temporarily soothing, cognitively unfulfilling activities like watching Big Brother in a suit shaped like a cat (not to say that that doesn’t have its appeal!). Instead, why not join Thinking Bob for one of their brain-centric events, which revel in all manner of knowledge-based geekery and combine all the energy of a normal social event with satisfying cerebral challenges. Try the Bobheads quiz, Pub Philosophy or Pirate Murder Mystery.
Thinking Bob are a smart socialising app for meeting new friends and finding people you click with. Build up your social circle and discover your London through unique socials and events around the city – find out more here!