Top 10 Faux Taxidermy Wish List

Faux taxidermy is becoming increasingly popular and there are definitely some emerging trends to be aware of.

Check out the top ten wish list..

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Controversial gun animals by Melanie Alves,

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Or how about some friendly felt animals by Restoration Hardware Kids’,

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A golden unicorn by White Faux Taxidermy if you are feeling mythical,


An inside-out polar bear by Deborah Simon,

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Paper origami rhino by Paperwolf,

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Flat-pack animals by Barthelmess,

faux 7 Recycled fabric mounts by Kelly Rene Jelinek ,


Eco newspaper deer by Mollie Greene,

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Or even an acrylic gorilla by White Faux Taxidermy.

So there you have it, the top ten faux taxidermy wishlist.