When safe and far-away from civilization, trees can be bearer of more years than we can think of – some of them can be up to 5000 years old. Beth Moon travelled the world to take pictures of some among the oldest trees in the world.
Beth Moon is an artist from San Francisco Bay who spent more than 14 years looking for the most ancient trees across the planet. The prints undergo a rarely used technique – they are developed with platinum and palladium, which makes the tones of the picture outstanding and deep. And not only the pictures are mesmerizing, but her work to find them is even more admirable: to choose the trees she first valued age, size or history, to then dive in a quest buried in botanical and history books, registers, articles and hints from travellers.
As she states in her website, the trees she captured were safe only because they were far away from civilization in most cases: at times like ours, where most part of the world is trying to find different ways of living with the environment rather than exploiting it, these majestic pictures are meant to be a celebration of these survivors throughout the centuries.
Beth’s wonderful photography is worth a more in depth-look; to do so, just follow the link and check her portfolio.